Coffee is Part of the Family Too
By Lisa
Some coffee days are better than others. When you travel, you know that your morning coffee routine is going to be altered. Whatever your “coffee normal” looks like, on your vacation you are dabbling with the possibility that your morning cup will disappoint you.
From the cup to the bean, from the temperature to the milk taste. You’re on vacation! You are trying to relax, but... coffee! Some days you can forgo the necessary morning elixir ‘cause the kids are chomping at your heels. Needless to say, on a family vacation it’s in everyone’s best interest — especially the little people — that you have some modicum of success in your caffeine routine.
It is in these moments that you realize I’m the boss of my morning! Coffee is merely a tool. A beloved tool, loved passionately by so many. In our family, we travel with a coffee-making system (Aeropress) that serves us without fail, and we travel with our own beans (Hope Roasting of course!). We set ourselves up for our own personal version of “coffee success,” and we bring our favorite people along with us!
Recently, our family went to St. Augustine, Florida. We fished! We swam! We laughed! We played and we drank from the cup of sweet vacation coffee!
Being a coffee roasting company, we know that people enjoy all different blends of coffee beans. Some are more of a single-origin love and some enjoy unique blends. Much like coffee selection, each person in our six-person family has their own idea of what is fun.
When we really want to tick the “fun” box for everyone in my little family, we head to the beach! If you’re 5 and 10 years old, then apparently enjoying sand in every crack of your body is a hoot. However, if you’re 16 years old then being tossed like a rag doll in the waves feels more like a sweet time release. As an adult, neither of those options fills my “fun tank,” but I love my kids, so I buried them in the sand, fished with them, and lifeguarded to make sure no littles were lost on my watch — all the while providing smiles as needed. We look into each of their eyes and remember why they are all so special. Why we parents give daily to these humans!
As parents, we figure as long as the smiles linger beyond the 16-hour return road trip home, and the sense of family and joy is long-lasting, then the upset in our caffeine routine and the amount of money we spend is worth all the sacrifice. Family is what this big ball of earth spins for, but coffee is a great lubricant for that big ball!
Cheers to you and your summer vacation coffee series!